Household Iron

Tselinny Temporary

A Domestic Iron comprising two hundred pictures, which the artist has shot since 2015, serves as a transition to a new life stage. In the year of his first exhibition, Damir Mukhametov celebrated his 30th birthday. The works include graphic art and photography; the author shows urban culture, human relationships and everyday life. 

Photos are street sketches, documentation of objects in the urban streetscape, which also demonstrate various connections between people and events, capture the environment and preserve buildings and architecture in the form of an image.

A Domestic Iron is a word-play that characterises the transformation of volume into plane."

Damir Mukhametov is an artist and photographer from KIZ settlement, residing and working in Almaty. Since 2015, he has been involved in documentary photography and graphics, and works with art forms at the intersection of these two genres. In autumn 2022, he participated in Tazqara's public programme with his total installation titled a noise etude and debuted a video work in the bULt cultural space.

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